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Dr Qian Xuhan MD PhD
Department Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Languages Chinese & English
Conditions treated Pediatric Ophthalmology,Strabismus
Procedures performed Strabismus and amblyopia treatment
Research interests Management of amblyopia
The observation of eye development in childhood and the therapeutic effect of anti-oxidative agents.
Education and training  
1999-2004 PhD Tianjin Medical University 5-year-course
1994-1999 Bachelor's degree Tianjin Medical University
Professional memberships Member, Chinese Medical Association
    International member, American Association for Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus,AAPOS
    Member, Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology
Society, APSPOS
Selected publications  
2018 Journal of autism and developmental disorders Refractive status and amblyopia risk factors in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder. Wang J,Ding G,Li Y,Hua N,
Wei N,Qi X,Ning Y,Zhang Y,Li X,Li J,Song L,Qian X
2018 BMC Ophthalmology Prevalence of refractive errors in Tibetan adolescents.Qian,XH;Liu,
2018 British journal of ophthalmology Compared performance of Spot and SW800 photoscreeners
on Chinese children, British Journal of Ophthalmology.Qian X;
Li Y;Ding G;Li J;Lv H;Hua N,Wei N,He L,Wei L,Li X,Wang J.
2017 British journal of ophthalmology Biphasic growth of orbital volume in Chinese
children.Wei,N;Bi,H;Zhang,B;Li,X;Sun FY;Qian,XH.
2016 plos one Performance of Spot photoscreener in detecting amblyopia
risk factors in Chinese pre-school and school age children attending an eye
clinic.Mu,YJ;Bi, H;Ekure,E;Ding,G;Wei,N;Hua,N;Qian,XH;Li,XR.
2011 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Practice of key point visualization teaching oriented by
problem-based learning in strabismus and amblyopia courses.Qian Xue-Han
2005 Congress of Chinese Ophthalmological Society Pulley gross morphological exposure and relationship with classic
anatomy structure of connective tissue around extraocular
muscles in human orbit.QIAN Xuehan
2005 Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi Three-dimensional distribution and histological
studies of extraocular muscle Pulley
in human orbit. Han XM, Zhao KX, Qian XH
2004 Anat Res Pulley relationship with classic anatomy structure of
connective tissue around extraocular muscles in
human orbit. QIAN Xuehan, ZHAO Kanxing et al
Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital